rotate all pages 90 degrees. Each option sets the page rotation as follows (in degrees): N: 0, E: 90, S: 180, W: 270, L: -90, R: +90, D: +180. L, R, and D make relative adjustments to a page's rotation. pdftk in.pdf cat 1-endE output out.pdf To find out KMS - Key Management Service servers for a given domain from DNS. nslookup -type=SRV To specify kms server in Windows: slmgr.vbs /skms Create DOS bootable pen Firmware for the cluster the Plasma Desktop Shell (plasma-desktop) easier by introducing a power tool: an ECMA Script environment. qdbus org.kde.plasma-desktop /MainApplication showInteractiveConsole qdbus org.kde.klauncher / org.kde.KLauncher.reparseConfiguration qdbus org.kde.plasma-desktop /App org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect panelById(panelIds[0]).length = 1920; kwriteconfig --file baloofilerc --group 'Basic Settings' --key 'Indexing-Enabled' false rm -rf ~/.local/share/baloo/ qdbus PLASMA kquitapp plasma-desktop cp plasma-desktoprc ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktoprc plasma-desktop VBoxHeadless -startvm Ubuntu --vrdp on VBoxManage controlvm windows7 poweroff VBoxManage controlvm windows7 acpipowerbutton vrdesktop -k en-US qt on android declare -x ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="/home/aamorim/Downloads/lixo/android-ndk-r9" declare -x ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION="4.8" too see the package: /home/aamorim/Downloads/lixo/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20130917/sdk/build-tools/android-4.3/aapt list Animatedtiles-debug.apk